A love letter to the Sierra Nevada

My dearest and darling Sierras, You will have to be patient with me, I fear. Oh, of course I do hear the call of your Clark’s nutcrackers calling me from the dry white-bark pined heights to hike up and have a picnic or stay a starry night or two. But for the moment I cannotContinue reading “A love letter to the Sierra Nevada”

The Island of California

The Island of California I can’t believe it took me this long to look up the origin of the name “California”, but I finally did, so I thought I’d share it on here. Apparently it comes from the story Las sergas de Esplandián (The Adventures of Esplandián) by the 16th century Spanish author Garci RodríguezContinue reading “The Island of California”

My First Marathon Experience

This past weekend I complete my first marathon. It was a spectacular journey-  and one like any other- filled with miles, trials, tribulations, and elations! After backpacking the John Muir Trail I went back to running consistently in October. I officially started the marathon portion of my training in early December. The training went smoothly,Continue reading “My First Marathon Experience”

George Mallory- the Artist

“Not only those who perform are artists, but also those who are moved by the performance. Artists, in this sense, are not distinguished by the power of expressing emotion, but the power of feeling that emotional experience out of which Art is made. We recognize this when we speak of individuals as artistic, though theyContinue reading “George Mallory- the Artist”

George Mallory- The Mountaineer

“The greatest danger in life is not to take the adventure.” George Leigh Mallory “From boyhood he belonged to the mountains, as flame belongs to fire. He lived their romance, their simplicity, their open power, their unchanging loveliness. As a mountaineer he was a genius.”-Geoffrey Winthrop Young George Mallory was the best climber of hisContinue reading “George Mallory- The Mountaineer”

Looking Back on the John Muir Trail

Did it really happen? Did I really live that? 3 months after the John Muir Trail, and I still have to ask myself everyday if it was real. To have had the chance to live amongst the magical and beautiful Sierras for 20 days! What a joy! For some reason, before I started the JohnContinue reading “Looking Back on the John Muir Trail”